Saturday, November 15, 2008

Green Pea and Ham soup

A winter dish great for making in a big pot and then eating over several days.

  • 1 Smoked ham hock
  • 500g Bacon bones
  • 500g Green frozen peas
  • 1 onion
  • 1 potato
  • 100g lentils
In a large pot with a good lid;
  1. chop onion finely and put into the pot on a high heat - wait until onion pieces begin to go transparent.
  2. Add about 4 liters of water, frozen peas, ham hock, bacon bones.
  3. Chop up potato finely and throw into the pot along with the lentils.
  4. Reduce heat once the water has boiled to a nice simmer and put the lid on.
Cook for at least 2 hours. I find that the best time is once the peas have started to break down and the soup has a nice green colour to it. The ham hock skin should have split open and the meat should be easy to separate from the bone. Stir occasionally to keep the onion, lentils and potato from sticking to the bottom.

  • Once the skin on the hock has split you can remove it from the soup (less fatty).
  • The ham hock will have smallish bones in it so be aware when serving the soup.

Best served with crusty bread rolls and cold milk.

Serves about 6 to 8.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Anne's Chocolate Mousse

Here's my mum's recipe for mousse. To be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet :-P

340g dark chocolate (I think Club Chocolate is best)
14g butter
1 tbs brandy (or Cointreau or Orange Juice)
4 large eggs

- Combine chocolate and 4 tbs of water. Melt chocolate using double boiler method.
- Turn off heat and stir continuously for 5 minutes.
- Take bowl of chocolate off saucepan. Add butter and brandy.
- Whisk egg whites until stiff.
- Beat egg yolks into slightly cooled chocolate mix.
- Fold in whites.
- Put in fridge for an hour.

I like to serve this with cream and berries on top.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mums Microwave Choc Slice: 10 minute quickie

OCCASION: Dessert, afternoon tea, snack.

COOKING TIME: 6 minutes

4 oz margarine
1 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1/2 cup self raising flour
1/2 cup cocoa

1. Melt margarine for 30 seconds in a 4L ice-cream container.
2. Mix in the brown sugar with the margarine.
3. Add an egg.
4. Blend in the self raising flour and cocoa after the egg.
5. You can add chopped almonds, chocolate bits, sultanas, broken-up biscuits or anything else to the batter for added texture.
6. Cook in microwave on medium-high(roast) for 6 minutes
7. Serve with ice-cream for dessert or sprinkle with icing sugar for presentation to take out or serve on a plate.

This recipe has to be one of the quickest and easiest desserts to make. It's also great for those occasions when your children let you know they have to bring something in for the cake store at school that morning, fifteen minutes before you have to leave. It's even handy for the times you need to make a quick slice for an event or afternoon tea when entertaining visitors.
To your benefit, the recipe requires only a small workspace and will leave you with very little to wash up.