Sunday, January 18, 2009

Garlic Prawn and Bacon Pasta

  • 8 cloves of garlic, finely diced
  • 1 onion, finely diced (optional)
  • 8 rashers of bacon, diced
  • 400g prawns (preferably green)
  • a knob of butter
  • lug of oil
  • Pasta
  1. Heat butter and oil in a saucepan (however much you want)
  2. Add garlic and onion
  3. Add bacon
  4. Cook until the onion is soft
  5. Add prawns and cook until pink
  6. Cook your pasta according to the packet instructions- I recommend spaghetti or penne
  7. Drain pasta and serve with sauce
Serves about 4. Takes about 20-30 minutes (prep & cooking)

  1. Add chilli oil or some fresh chillies
  2. Add a can of tomato if you prefer tomato-based sauces
  3. Add cream for a creamy base

Personal notes:
This is a home-made recipe based off a dish at Leichhardt's Bar Italia, so ingredients are estimates and can be juggled around depending on how garlicky or bacony you want it. I like to get the short-cut rindless bacon because it is easier to cut. Alternatively, bacon bits are even easier. I usually always add some chilli just to give it a bit of zing.

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